Better ventilation through self-learning algorithms
Congratulations to our colleague Joey Reinders for successfully defending his doctoral research at the Eindhoven University of Technology on Smart Mechanical Ventilators! He developed self-learning algorithms that enable the ventilator to deliver exactly the right air pressure and adapt to the patient.
His promotors professors Tom Oomen (Control Systems Technology (CST) TU/e) and Nathan van de Wouw (Dynamics & Control – Eindhoven University of Technology) and his co-promotor Bram Hunnekens (DEMCON) were almost as proud as his parents. Professors Ying Tan, Paul Van den Hof and Diederik Gommers were part of the PhD jury.
The results from his thesis are a significant step towards autonomous closed-loop mechanical ventilators. The presented control techniques allow such a system to automatically adjust its control signal to optimally match the patient.